Who you are is LOVE itself,even if you do not recognize it;for LOVE has NO LIMITS, it just IS,and just as you are,ONE WITH EVERYTHING! ~ unknown


"The Most IMPORTANT emotion is LOVE" ~ Sonia Sanchez

Monday, May 24, 2010

Good Vs. Bad Carbohydrates!

Most people think that carbohydrates are bad; they make you fat, cause
diabetes and enhance a persons appetite. But in all reality our body
needs carbohydrates for energy. Carbohydrates are the body’s
preferred energy source, it can be consumed as a ready source. An
example of this is pasta and bread you consume them and later they are
converted into protein and fat. A lot of people believe that carbs are
fattening but that is not true, when you talk about food being
fattening, you are referring to the calories. Some believe that
cutting carbs from your diet is a good choice, but this will only make
you feel worse This is because you are taking away an important energy
source. Fats and protein are converted into carbs but it takes a
longer metabolic period in order for it to do so. Therefore, carbs in
your diet will make you feel more energetic throughout your day.

Now there are BAD carbs which are the ones you should stay away from
or limit the consumption of. The GOOD carbs are those found in
fruits, vegetables and whole grains. There are two kinds of
carbohydrates: starchy ones which are found in potatoes and whole
grains, and non-starchy ones that are in fruits and vegetables.
Therefore you should try to focus on fruits and vegetables as your
main source of carbohydrates. It is recommended that you eat at least
five fruits and vegetables a day. The BAD carbs are the processed
ones. An example of this is white flour or white rice, in these foods
the high-fiber shells has been removed. The calories are the same, but
without the fiber, you lose the metabolic satisfaction of a grain.
Also stay away from carbs that are combined with white sugar
(sucrose). Such as white bread, doughnuts, cake, and pasta contain
white flour. There is also a group of carbs called UGLY carbs, these
are the ones you should avoid. These consist of low-carb pasta and
breads. You’re better off consuming smaller amounts of a fiber-rich
product, like whole wheat pasta or whole wheat bread.