Who you are is LOVE itself,even if you do not recognize it;for LOVE has NO LIMITS, it just IS,and just as you are,ONE WITH EVERYTHING! ~ unknown


"The Most IMPORTANT emotion is LOVE" ~ Sonia Sanchez

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Today is Thursday and I am almost at the end of week 2 of INSANITY- 60 Day Total Body conditioning program. When I decided to start this program I did not know what to expect. One of my co-workers asked me one day if I ever heard of INSANITY and at that point I have never heard of it. So, I checked out a youtube clip. After watching it I knew it was going to be challenging but I was up for the challenge and here I am almost done with week 2. I look forward to working out, I know its weird to some. But, when you find something you really enjoy and are passionate about, its easy to say things like that. During my journey through this 60 day program I plan on inspiring those around me to become more physically active. Often times people need to see an active person doing something for themselves in order to take action in their own life. So far everyday I have exposed someone different to this new type of training. I think its important to explore different styles of training so you are never bored. I know how hard it is to train and maintain a fit body shape but it is all about finding the things you enjoy.

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